Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim. The Noble Quran in different Language ,Collection hadith,hmad,naat,darood,salaam.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Book of Fasting
Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘When Ramadhan comes, the gates of mercy are opened and the gates of Hell are shut, and the devils are put in chains.” [The Book of Fasting: Sahih Muslim]
Commentary: The burden of Shaytan is lifted from us in Ramadan and a real difference can be felt. However, people still commit sins during Ramadan. This is because year round the Shaytan is busy training our “nafs,” our lower self, to be just like it and take over in his absence. He does a pretty good job, how good can be judged by the demands that our nafs makes of us during this month! That much sin we are ready to commit all by ourselves, without any additional help from Shaytan.
The nafs is like a spoilt child. A spoilt child is not dealt with by giving in to its demands. Obeying a spoilt child only turns him/her into a monster. This is why in the duas of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) he would ask Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) not to leave him at the mercy of his nafs for even a moment.
Once Hazrat Umar saw a Sahabah (radi Allahu anhuma) carrying a package. He told Hazrat Umar (radi Allahu anhuma) that he had felt like eating meat and so had gone to the market to get some. Hazrat Umar (radi Allahu anhu) wonderingly asked him, "Do you do everything that your nafs tells you to do?"
Relieves a believer
245. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Allah will relieve anyone who relieves a believer of one of the afflictions of this world, of one of the afflictions of the Day of Rising. Allah will give ease in this world and the Next to anyone who eases the hardship of another. Allah will veil anyone who veils another Muslim in this world and the Next. Allah will help His slave as long as His slave is helping his brother." [Muslim]
About Hypocrite
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks it, and when entrusted he betrays his trust.” [Sahih Bukhari]
Commentary: Therefore, one must be careful not to make promises casually or to make promises that one has no intention to keep. Allah Most High mentions in the Qur'an the story of the man who lied and broke his promise and the recompense of such people:
“Of them, there is one who promised Allah, ‘If He bestows of His generosity on us, we shall certainly give charity and be of the righteous.’ But when He gave to them of His generosity, they hoarded it and turned away in aversion. So He punished them by putting hypocrisy into their hearts until the day they meet Him, because they broke their promise to Allah and lied.” [9:75-77]
Imam Suyuti says that the person referred to above is Thalaba ibn Hatib, who asked the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) to pray that Allah would enrich him, so that he might give everyone their just due. So the Prophet supplicated for him and he became wealthy, but then he stopped coming to the Friday prayer, withdrew from the community, and refused to pay zakat.
Some time after this, Thalaba brought the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) his zakat, but the Prophet told him, “Allah forbids me to accept it from you,” at which Thalaba threw handfuls of dust upon his head. In the time of Abu Bakr’s khilafat he took his zakat to Abu Bakr (radhi Allahu anhu), but he would not accept it. Then to Umar (radhi Allahu anhu), but he would not accept it either. Then he took it to Uthman (radhi Allahu anhu), but he would not accept it, and he died in the khilafat of Uthman. [Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri]
Daily Adkar
419. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "He who recites after every prayer: Subhan-Allah (Allah is free from imperfection) thirty-three times; Al-hamdu lillah (praise be to Allah) thirty-three times; Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest) thirty-three times; and completes the hundred with: La ilaha illallahu, wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa `ala kulli shai'in Qadir (there is no true god except Allah. He is One and He has no partner with Him. His is the sovereignty and His is the praise, and He is Omnipotent), will have all his sins pardoned even if they may be as large as the foam on the surface of the sea.''
1420. Ka`b bin `Ujrah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "There are some words, the reciters of which will never be disappointed. These are: Tasbih [saying `Subhan-Allah' (Allah is free from imperfection)], thirty-three times, Tahmid [saying `Al-hamdu lillah' (praise be to Allah)] thirty-three times and Takbir [saying `Allahu Akbar' (Allah is Greatest)] thirty-four times; and these should be recited after the conclusion of every prescribed prayer.''
Commentary: "Muaqqibat'' means the words of Praise and Glorification of Allah which are recited after Salat. This Hadith says that the words "Allahu Akbar'' should be recited thirty-four times.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Abu Huraira narrated from the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) that once while a man was traveling in the wilderness he heard a voice in a cloud ordering the angel of the cloud to pour its rain on a particular farm. So the man followed the cloud and saw that it poured its rain on a rocky volcanic plain. All the water gathered in a stream and poured into a farm. The man saw the owner working in that farm and asked him his name. The name was the same one that he had heard from the cloud. The man then related what he had heard and seen, and inquired from the owner of the farm what was special about him that would explain all of this. Given the reason for the inquiry, the owner explained that he would plant his farm and then split the harvest into three equal parts. One part he gave as sadaqa, the second part he kept as food for himself and his family, and the third part he replanted. [Muslim]
Commentary: There are two important lessons that we obtain from this hadith:
1. The importance of consistency in doing good deeds: The man was giving one third of his earnings as sadaqa on a regular basis. This is why Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) was sending rain especially for him. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us that the deeds most loved by Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) are those that are done regularly even though they may be few. [Bukhari]
2. The importance of sadaqa: Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) was sending rizk to this man (in the form of rain) because of his sadaqa. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala), therefore, used him as a channel to provide for the needy. Money is a trial from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), it is not a sign of a person’s righteousness. Some of the prophets of Allah were poor and some of the enemies of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) were rich.
Allah's reward is the everlasting, beautiful Jannah, which contains only happiness and delight. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) says that if the significance of this world was even as much as the wing of a mosquito in His eyes, He would not give those who deny Him even a sip of water to drink. Therefore, the good things of this world are of no significance when compared to the Hereafter.
Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi
Narrated Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) Allah’s Messenger (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever says, Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol 8 Hadith No.414, Muslim; 4:2071]
Action plan
In order for forgiveness to be accepted, these conditions should be met:
1. Cessation of the sin: The crime is committed out of ignorance, not with the intention that, “Let us go ahead and commit this crime as Allah is forgiving, so He will forgive us.”;
2. Regret and remorse: Quickly turn into shame and repentance after committing a crime out of ignorance;
3. Firm resolve not to return to sin- After asking for forgiveness, make a promise or pledge to “mend his ways”, and to stick to his promise.
4. Returning the right of the oppressed, in that which is particular to the rights of man.
5. Perform Salatut tawbah -- Ali (radi Allahu anhu) who said that Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) told him that he heard the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) say: There is no servant who commits a sin and then he purifies himself (wudoo’) and then prays two rakaahs and then seeks forgiveness of Allah except that Allah forgives him.
"Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) passed by a heap of food. As he put his hand inside it, his fingers got wet. So he said to the vendor: ‘What is this?’ He replied: ‘It was dampened by the rain O Messenger of Allah.’ He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘Why don’t you put it on top so that people can see it? He who cheats us is not one of us.’” [Muslim]
Commentary: In order for justice to prevail in society, it is necessary that people are reminded of their moral obligations. The best police is a person's own conscience; the person's awareness of the final accountability before Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). When a community loses its God consciousness, then no quantity of police, courts and prisons are sufficient to keep it free of crime.
While taqwa (Allah consciousness) must be cultivated to keep society healthy, law enforcers are nevertheless needed. There will always be some recalcitrant, unscrupulous elements that will only respond to force.The second khalifah, Umar ibn al-Khattab, had appointed market inspectors in Madina to enforce honesty in transactions. Among them were two women, Ash-Shifa bint Abd-Allah and Samra bint Nahik al-Asadiyah. Samra used to bid people to do good and refrain from evil.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He will not enter Paradise whose neighbor is not secure from his wrongful conduct.” [Muslim]
Commentary: Make sure that a wedding, construction or other event at your house does not encroach upon the privacy, peacefulness or clean environment of your neighbors or neighborhood. Does noise from your house disturb your neighbor? Did you park your car in such a way as to cause your neighbor inconvenience? Do you even know who your neighbor is? Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “If you are kind to your neighbor you will be a believer.” [Tirmidhi]
718. Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam)) used to teach us the Istikharah (seeking guidance from Allah) in all matters as he would teach us a Surah of the Qur'an. He used to say: "When one of you contemplates entering upon an enterprise, let him perform two Rak`ah of optional prayer other than Fard prayers and then supplicate: "Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi `ilmika, wa astaqdiruka bi qudratika, wa as-'aluka min fadlikal-`azim. Fainnaka taqdiru wa la aqdiru, wa ta`lamu wa la a`lamu, wa Anta `allamul-ghuyub. Allahumma in kunta ta`lamu anna hadhal-`amra (and name what you want to do) khairun li fi dini wa ma`ashi wa `aqibati amri, (or he said) `ajili amri ajilihi, faqdurhu li wa yassirhu li, thumma barik li fihi. Wa in kunta ta`lamu anna hadhal `amra (and name what you want to do) sharrun li fi dini wa ma`ashi wa `aqibati amri, (or he said) wa `ajili amri wa ajilihi, fasrifhu `anni, wasrifni `anhu, waqdur liyal-khaira haithu kana, thumma ardini bihi.'' (O Allah, I consult You through Your Knowledge, and I seek strength through Your Power, and ask of Your Great Bounty; for You are Capable whereas I am not and, You know and I do not, and You are the Knower of hidden things. O Allah, if You know that this matter (and name it) is good for me in respect of my Deen, my livelihood and the consequences of my affairs, (or he said), the sooner or the later of my affairs then ordain it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. But if You know this matter (and name it) to be bad for my Deen, my livelihood or the consequences of my affairs, (or he said) the sooner or the later of my affairs then turn it away from me, and turn me away from it, and grant me power to do good whatever it may be, and cause me to be contented with it). And let the supplicant specify the object.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Commentary: Literally Istikharah means seeking goodness from Allah through a particular prayer. This Hadith lays emphasis on it and displays its significance. We should, therefore, practice Istikharah regarding every important matter. However, it is imperative only in cases where one is ignorant of good and evil. Yet, with regard to obligatory and indisputable rules, practices of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and commendable deeds, no Istikharah is allowed. Similarly, commands and prohibitions of the Shari`ah are categorical and nobody is allowed to seek further guidance by performing Istikharah prayer. Moreover, to set aside the example of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) of Istikharah, and to trust astrologers, palmists and soothsayers seeking the knowledge of future events is sheer ignorance and unpardonable error. The knowledge of the Unseen (or Ghaib) is the domain of Allah Alone and man is supposed to seek His Blessings. Only Allah is Omnipotent and humans must turn to Him to seek inspiration and strength, trusting everything to His Care.
Istikharah prayer can be offered at any time except in the forbidden hours for prayer because the performance of two Rak`ah is a prerequisite to it. Some people think that the right time for it is before going to bed. This is not true. This supplication (Du`a) can be offered even after performing the two Rak`ah of Istikharah prayer, or before Taslim (i.e., saying Assalamu `Alaikum to conclude the prayer) after Tashahhud or in the state of prostration. If somebody does not know this Du`a by heart, he can, after performing the prayer, read it from some prayerbook.
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah has forgiven my followers the evil thoughts that occur to their minds, as long as such thoughts are not put into action or uttered.” [Sahih Bukhari]
Commentary: Sometimes evil thoughts come to us the occurring of which we have no control over. When Shaytaan or our nafs puts such thoughts in our minds, and we do not entertain them, then Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) in His Infinite Mercy and Justice does not hold us accountable for them. Not entertaining such thoughts means to not continue to think about them, not speak of them, and not act according to them.
If our mind keeps mulling the thoughts over, or God Forbid takes pleasure in such thoughts, then we will not automatically be forgiven them, for we chose then to think on such lines. In order to stop thinking about something it helps to get up and start doing some physical work.
The Noble Qur'an with audio.
Quran Comparison of
( English & Urdu )
Table of Contents:
SURAH 1 Sections. 7 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
2.SURAH AL-BAQRA. Madina. 40 sections. 286 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
3.SURAH AL-IMRAN. Madina. 19 Section. 200 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
4 AL-NISA. Madina. 24 Sections. 176 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
5.SURAH AL-MAIDA. Madina. 16 Sections. 120 Verses. (Ayyah 001-002)
6.SURAH AL-ANAAM. Makkah. 20 Sections. 165 verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
7.AL-ARAF. Makkah. 24 Sections. 206 verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
8.SURAH AL-ANFAL. Madina. 10 Sections. 75 Verses. (Ayyah 001-008)
9.SURAH AL-TAUBA. Madina. 16 Sections. 129 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
10.SURAH YUNUS. Makkah. 11 Sections. 109 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
11.SURAH HUD. Makkah. 10 Sections. 123 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
12.SURAH YUSUF. Makkah. 12 Sections. 111 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
13.SURAH AL-RAAD. Madina. 6 Sections. 43 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
14.SURAH IBRAHIM. Makkah. 7 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
15.SURAH AL-HIJR. Makkah. 6 Sections. 99 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
16.SURAH AN-NAHL. Makkah. 16 Sections. 128 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
17.SURAH BANI-ISRAEL Makkah. 12 Sections. 111 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
18.SURAH AL-KAHF. Makkah. 12 Sections. 110 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
19.SURAH AL-MARYAM. Makkah.. 6 Sections. 98 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
20.SURAH AL-TAHA. Makkah. 8 Sections, and 135 Verses (Ayyah 001-012)
21.SURAH AL-ANBIA Makkah. 7 Sections. 112 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
22.SURAH AL-HAJJ. Reveled Madina-Part at Makkah 10 Sections. 78 Verses. (Ayyah001-005)
23.SURAH AL-MOMINOON. Makkah 6 Sections and 118 Verses. (Ayyah 001-017)
24.SURAH AL-NOOR. Madina 9 Sections and 64 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
25.SURAH AL-FURQUAN. Makkah. 6 Sections. 77 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
26.SURAH AL-SHUARA. Makkah. 11 Sections. 227 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
27.SURAH AL-NAML. Makkah. 7 Section. 93 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
28.SURAH AL-QASAS. Makkah. 9 Sections. 88 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
29.SURAH AL-ANKABUT. Makkah. 7 Sections. 69 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
30.SURAH AL-RUM. Makkah. 6 sections. 60 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
31.SURAH LUQMAN. Makkah. 4 Sections. 34 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
59.SURAH-AL-HASHR. Madina. 3 Sections. 24 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
60.SURAH AL-MUMTAHINAH. Madina. 2 Sections. 13 Ver
ses. (Ayyah 001-005)
61.SURAH AL-SAFF. Madina. 2 Sections. 14 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
62.SURAH AL-JUMAH. Madina. 2 Sections. 11 Verses. (Ayy
(012-019)(020-028)(029-034) 
32.SURAH AL-SAJDA. Makkah. 3 Sections. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
33.SURAH AL-AHZAB. Madina. 9 Sections. 73 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
34.SURAH SHEBA. Makkah. 6 Sections. 54 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
ah 001-011)
63.SURAH AL-MUNAFIQUOON. Madina. 2 Sections. 11 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
64.SURAH AL-TAGHABUN. Madina. 2 Sections. 18 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
65.SURAH AL-TALAQ. Madina. 2 Sections. 12 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
35.SURAH FATIR. Makkah. 5 Sections. 45 Verses. (Ayyah 001-003)
36.SURAH YASIN. Makkah. 5 Sections. 83 Verses. (Ayyah 001-012)
37.SURAH AL-SAFFAT. Makkah. 5 Sections. 182 Verses. (Ayyah 001-024)
38.SURAH AL-SAD. Makkah. 5 Sections. 88 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
39.SURAH AL-ZUMAR. Makkah. 8 Sections. 75 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
40.SURAH AL-MOMIN. Makkah. 9 Sections. 85 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
41.SURAH HA MIM-SAJDAH. Makkah. 6 Sections. 54 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
42.SURAH AL-SHURA. Makkah. 5 Sections. 53 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
43.SURAH AL-ZUKHRUF. Makkah. 7 Sections. 89 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
44.SURAH AL-DOKHAN. Makkah. 3 Sections. 59 Verses. (Ayyah 001-018)
45.SURAH AL-JATHIAH. Makkah. 4 Sections. 37 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
46.SURAH AL-AHQUAF. Makkah. 4 Sections. 35 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
47.SURAH MOHAMMAD. Madina. 4 Sections. 38 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
48.SURAH AL-FATH. Madina. 4 Sections. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-009)
49.SURAH AL-HOJORAT. Madina. 2 Sections. 18 Verses. (Ayyah 001-004)
50.SURAH QAF. Makkah. 3 Sections. 45 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
51.SURAH AL-ZARIAT. Makkah, 3 Sections, 60 Verses. (Ayyah 001-030)
52.SURAH-AL-TUR. Makkah. 2 Sections. 49 Verses. (Ayyah 001-014)
53.SURAH AL-NAJM. Makkah. 3 Sections. 62 Verses. (Ayyah 001-026)
54.SURAH AL-QAMAR. Makkah. 3 Sections. 55 Verses. (Ayyah 001-027)
55.SURAH-AL-RAHMAN. Madina. 3 Sections. 78 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
56.SURAH AL-WAQUIAH. Makkah. 3 Sections. 96 Verses. (Ayyah 001-016)
57.SURAH AL-HADID. Madina. 4 Sections. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-011)
58.SURAH AL-MUJADILAH. Madina. 3 Sections. 22 Verses. (Ayyah 001-006)
66.SURAH AL-TAHRIM. Madina. 2 Sections. 12 Verses. (Ayyah 001-007)
67.SURAH AL-MULK. Makkah. 2 Sections. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-012)
68.SURAH AL-QALAM. Makkah. 2 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
69.SURAH AL-HAQQAH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 52 Verses. (Ayyah 001-034)
70.SURAH AL-MAARIJ. Makkah. 2 Sections. 44 Verses. (Ayyah 001-044)
71.SURAH NUH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 28 Verses. (Ayyah 001-010)
72.SURAH AL-JINN. Makkah. 2 Sections. 28 Verses. (Ayyah 001-013)
73.SURAH AL MOZAMMIL. Makkah. 2 Sections. 20 Verses. (Ayyah 001-020)
74.SURAH AL-MUDATHTHIR. Makkah. 2 Sections. 56 verses. (Ayyah 001-056)
75.SURAH AL-QIYAMAH. Makkah. 2 Sections. 40 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
76.SURAH AL-DAHR. Madina. 2 Sections. 31 Verses. (Ayyah 001-005)
77.SURAH AL-MURSALAT. Makkah. 2 Sections. 50 verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
78.SURAH AL-NABA. Makkah. 2 Sections. 40 Verses. (Ayyah 001-040)
79.SURAH AL-NAZIAT. Makkah. 2 Sections. 46 Verses. (Ayyah 001-015)
80.SURAH ABASA. Makkah. 1 Section 42 Verses. (Ayyah 001-042)
81.SURAH AL-TAKWIR. Makkah. 1 Section. 29 Verses. (Ayyah 001-029)
82.SURAH AL-INFITAR. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
83.SURAH AL-TATFIF. Makkah. 1 Section. 36 Verses. (Ayyah 001-036)
84.SURAH AL-INSHIQAQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 25 Verses. (Ayyah 001-025)
85.SURAH AL-BURUJ. Makkah. 1 Section. 22 Verses. (Ayyah 001-022)
86.SURAH AL-TARIQ. Makkah. 1 Section. 17 Verses. (Ayyah 001-017)

87.SURAH AL-ALA. Makkah. 1 Section. 19 Verses. (Ayyah 001-019)
88.SURAH AL-GHASIYAH. Makkah. 1 Section. 26 Verses. (Ayyah 001-026)
89.SURAH AL-FAJR. Makkah. 1 Section. 30 Verses. (Ayyah 001-030)
90.SURAH AL-BALAD. Makkah. 1 Section. 20 Verses. (Ayyah 001-020)
91.SURAH AL-SHAMS. Makkah. 1 Section. 15 verses. (Ayyah 001-015)

